Category Archives: Big Problems

Cryptography – Keeping Our Online Secrets Safe Since the 90s


A breakdown of time Americans spend with electronic media. Image: Courtesy of, Felix Richter

We live in an era where the internet is king. Between our cellphones, tablets, game consoles, laptops, and other devices, the average American adult (18+) spends 11 hours per day ingesting electronic media in some way, shape, or form.  I’m sure we can all admit that on a weekly basis we access or create data that we don’t necessarily want the public to see. Whether it be our bank account or credit card information, our Facebook interactions, our emails, our tweets, our PayPal activity, or even our browsing history. That being said, I’m sure some of us take our internet privacy for granted; but how exactly does are internet privacy remain… private? The answer is simple: modular arithmetic. More specifically, cryptographic algorithms.

A History of Cryptography

Cryptography dates back to Egyptian scribes in 1900 B.C., and it was first used in their hieroglyphs. The Egyptians presumably wanted hide the content of their hieroglyphs from others, and they used very basic cryptography to do so. As you can imagine, this whole “keeping a message’s content safe” idea would become widely popular as mankind become more and more intelligent. The Romans, specifically Julius Caesar himself, created the first truly math-oriented cryptography. He used it primarily to protect messages of military significance. Caesar’s cryptographical ideas would later be used to build out modern day cryptography.

There are two main types of cryptography widely used across the web today: symmetric-key encryption, and asymmetric-key encryption (we’ll go into details later, I promise!). Both of these types of encryption rely on modular arithmetic. We must give credit where credit is due. Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), birthed modular arithmetic in 1801. Believe it or not, this famous mathematician made most of his breakthroughs in his twenties! For those that aren’t familiar with modular arithmetic, here’s a timeless example (pun intended, wait for it…).  The length of a linear line can have a start and end point, or it can go on to infinity in either direction. In modular arithmetic, the length of a “circular” number line is called the modulus. To actually do the arithmetic, consider this example: Take a regular clock (see, here’s the pun!), consisting of the numbers 1-12 . Clocks measure time on a 12 hour time table before starting back over at 1. The modulus for a 12-hour clock is 12 because it has 12 different numbers for the number of hours. To actually do the arithmetic, take this for example: It’s 8PM and we want to add 9 hours (8 + 9 mod 12). 8 +9 equals 17, however when using a modulus of 12, our number line wraps back around after counting to 12. For this we would count forward from 8 – ie. 8, 9 ,10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. So, (8 + 9 mod 12) = 5 AM in this case.

Caesar Cipher


A basic Caesar Cipher using a left shift of 3. Image: Matt_Crypto, via Wikimedia Commons.

As I said above, the Caesar cipher has acted as a building block for some of our modern day cryptography. Caesar’s main encryption step is incorporated in some of the more complex schemes we still rely on today. However, the Caesar cipher can be easily broken, or decrypted (more on this soon!). This particular cipher is concerned with the alphabet. The theory behind it is replacing each letter in the alphabet with a different letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet (this is reffered to as the shift). For instance, with a shift of 3, A would replace D, and B would replace E.



This can be represented mathematically using modular arithmetic. The encryption of any letter ‘x” by a shift ‘n’ can be described as follows:


E(x) = (x + n) mod 26


D(x) = (x – n) mod 26

Brute-Force Attacking:

This cipher is extremely easy to break. There are only 26 possible shifts (26 different english letters). When taking a brute-force approach, it’s only a matter of varying through the different shifts until the message is decrypted. In fact, this process could be optimized by analyzing the encrypted string, finding frequently used letters and associating them with common vowels. That way, you could brute force using intelligent shifts. However, this approach would have to be modified when switching between languages.

Cryptography Online

As promised, I will explain the two types of internet cryptography. First, we have symmetric-key cryptography. This is based on the concept that both communicating parties share the same key for encryption as well as decryption. This key is mathematically applied to a numerical equivalent of the data each party is encrypting/decrypting. It is imperative that this key is kept secret. If another party finds out what the key is, none of the encrypted data is safe anymore. Symmetric-key cryptography uses either stream ciphers (encrypt the numerical representation of the data one digit at a time.), or block ciphers (taking blocks of digits, and encrypting them as a whole). Symmetric-key algorithms have an advantage over asymmetric in that they require less computational power.


Asymmetric-Key encryption. Anyone can encrypt data using the public key, but the data only be decrypted with the private key. Image: Dave Gothenburg, via Wikimedia Commons.

As for Asymmetric-key cryptography (aka public-key cryptography) we use a slightly different approach. This cryptosystem implements both a private and public key. The public key is used to do the encryption (just like symmetric key cryptography), but the private key is used to do the decryption. The word “asymmetric” stems from the different keys performing opposite functions. This type of cryptosystem is more user friendly, and requires less administration. This is why public-key cryptography is widely implemented across the web.

The RSA Cryptosystem

The RSA cryptosystem is one of the most practical applications of modular mathematics we see today. In fact, if you look at your browser’s address bar right now and you see an “https” at the beginning of your URL, you’re more than likely relying on an RSA encryption to keep your data secure. RSA was created was created in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman at MIT. As far as cryptosystems are concerned, RSA in particular is one of the most straightforward to visualize mathematically. This algorithm consists of three parts: key generation, encryption, and decryption. I will be walking through a widely-used example using 3, and 11. Not only does this process use Gauss’s modular arithmetic, it also uses Euler’s totient function φ(n). (A function that counts the totatives of n – the positive integers less than or equal to n that are relatively prime to n.)

Generating the key is the most confusing part, but here’s a somewhat simplified version (don’t get nauseous!):

  1. Randomly pick 2 prime numbers p and q : p=3 q=11
  2. Calculate the modulus : n = p * q  ->   3 * 11 = 33
  3. Calculate the totient φ(n)  : z = (p – 1) * (q – 1) -> ( 3 – 1) * (11 – 1) = 20
  4. Choose a prime number k, such that k is co-prime to z : k=7
  5. n and k become the public key
  6. Calculate the private key : k * j = 1 mod z | 7 * j = 1 mod 20
  7. In the previous step, we’re only interested in the remainder. Since we’re working with small numbers here, we can say –> 21/20 gives us “some number” with a remainder of 1. Therefore – 7 * j = 21 -> j = 3
  8. j becomes the private key

After the public and private keys are generated, encryption and decryption become easy!  Given P is the data we’d like to encrypt and E is the encrypted message we want to generate:

P^k = E (mod n)  – When P (data we’d like to encrypt) = “14”  We get: 14^7 = E mod 33  So E=20

Given E is the encrypted data we’ve received, and P is the data we want to decrypt:

E^j = P ( mod n) – 20^3 = P mod 33  So P = 14

This proves RSA works!

Does the RSA Cryptosystem Really Keep Me Safe?

Theoretically, a hacker could factor the modulus “n”  in the steps above. Given the ability to recover the prime factors p and q an attacker can compute the “secret exponent” “d” from the public key (n, e). Once the hacker has this “secret exponent”, they can decrypt all data sent with its matching public key. RSA keeps us safe from hackers because there is no known algorithm (The NSA probably has one!) that can factor these large integers in a timely manner. In fact, the largest known number ever factored was 768 bits (232 digits!) long, and this was done with a supercomputer using a state-of-the-art implementation. If that doesn’t make you feel safe enough, RSA keys are typically 1024 to 2048 bits (617 digits!) long, so we don’t need to worry about our data getting hijacked. However it is recommended that we use a value of n that is at least 2048 bits long to ensure the encryption is never cracked.


How and Why RSA works:

Code Breaking: Bletchley Park and Bill Tutte

While brainstorming ideas for a blog post, I found myself wondering if math has ever directly saved lives. After looking into many options, I ran into a story about a place called Bletchley Park. It was known as the Fortress of Secrets and was said to have saved millions of lives yet didn’t even appear on any map. Nicknamed ‘Station X,’ it was solely designated for breaking codes, specifically ciphers. In World War II, direct communication between leaders and various units around the world was a big problem. These orders/war plans were coded and broadcast via wireless radio, but because they could be so easily intercepted, they became increasingly vulnerable. The solution to this problem was the cipher machine. Adopted in 1926, the Germans’ answer was called the Enigma.

A Lorenz machine. Image: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

A Lorenz machine. Image: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

The Enigma was thought by the Germans to be unbreakable and safe for them to use. Its code was especially hard to crack because each time a key was pressed, its internal wiring was changed. In light of this, the British started to recruit brilliant mathematicians to engage in a battle to learn the enemy’s secrets. The Enigma machine required 6 people to operate, so Hitler ordered even more security. Thus, the Tunny cipher machine was born (also known as the Lorenz Machine). This machine generated code with its 12 wheels and only required two operators to send and receive information. To function, it would first apply two keys, encoding the message twice. The first cipher used 5 wheels with, the second used another 5, and then 2 additional wheels would cause a stutter of random letters that would try to throw off unauthorized decoders. Each wheel had a different number of spokes or choices on it which resulted in 23*26*29*31*37*41*43*47*51*53*59*61 = 1.6 million billion possible combinations!

Here is an example of coding one letter into another: The initial letter is “A,” and the cipher code is “K.” They would be “added up,” and if the corresponding symbol was different, then you would mark down an “x.” Inversely, if it was the same, then you would mark down a *. Here we can see A being coded into the letter N:

A= x x * * *

K= x x x x *


* * x x * = N

The code’s downfall began with the Germans’ overconfidence in the Tunny machine. A 4000 character message was sent, but the receiver didn’t quite get it, so a re-send was requested. The sender failed to change the wheel settings and re-sent the 4000 character message but it was slightly different. This provided Bletchley with a data set with which he could attempt to crack the code. John Tiltman, a mathematician who led the research department at Bletchley, initially worked on this break but passed it onto Bill Tutte.

Bill began by putting the 4000 word message into columns and made a rectangle out of it. He then looked for repetitions/patterns. Every 23 characters there was a rotation, but he then thought maybe it was 25. So he tried to multiply 23*25 to see if the pattern extends along that but it was inconclusive. But the pattern did extend along 574. He then thought maybe it was 41 as that is the prime number of 574. Resonance occurring after 41 strokes made him deduce that the first wheel had 41 spokes. He then went to the next wheel and so forth. Bill Tutte managed to diagnose how the machine worked without ever actually seeing the machine.

He also worked out a statistical mathematical method of breaking the Tunny code, called the “1+2 – break in method.” To use this decoding method required a massive amount of number-crunching and checking. This is where his co-worker Thomas Flower’s brilliance came into play. He conceptualized Bill Tutte’s method and produced one of the first computers, The Colossus, the world’s first semi-programmable computer completely invented from scratch. With this cracked code—and the computer to help crack it—huge battles were won. It is widely credited with turning the tide of the entire war.

World War II is estimated to have cost 10 million lives per year. Cracking the Tunny code was said to have shortened the war by at least two full years! However, everything involving these machines and ciphers had to be kept secret. The brilliant men involved could not publicly get credit for their achievements for quite some time. Eventually, the secrets were declassified, and Bill Tutte was awarded a membership of the Royal Society. In 1987, he finally signed his name in the Royal Society book where his signature lies alongside those of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill.


BBC Documentary:

-1 x -1 = 1, but why?

The product of two negative numbers produces a positive number. Did it ever make you wonder why? The sum of two negative numbers is still negative, but why positive when multiplied? Come to think of it, how is it even possible to multiply a negative number by a negative number?

One of the easiest ways to understand the concept of negative number is to think of gain as positive, and loss as negative. This way may explain addition and subtraction, but when it comes to multiplication and division, it gets confusing. Stendhal, a French writer famous for his novel The Red and the Black, says in his autobiography, “suppose the negative quantities are a man’s debts, how by multiplying 10,000 francs of debt by 500 francs, will he or can he manage to acquire a fortune of 5,000,000, five million?” He puzzled over the improbable conversion or “changing sides” across a horizontal boundary in the image below.


Stendhal, quite the intellect of the age himself, shows that there were souls who agonized over this conceptual problem. As a matter of fact, the concept of a negative number was formally introduced much later than the concept of an irrational number in Europe, which might mean that people were more comfortable with operations on the latter than on the former. Math historian Ronald Calinger writes that even Blaise Pascal “derided those who thought of taking four away from nothing and getting minus four.”

In the 7th century, Indian mathematician Brahmagupta first discovered that a minus times a minus equals a plus, but even after a thousand years there were dissenting voices. In 18th century Europe many scholars overtly argued against it on the basis of reasoning that’s like “-3 is smaller than 2, then how can square of -3 be greater than square of 2?” So we can imagine the resistance that the concept of negative number created among people.

Model of positive and negative: gain and loss

Like Stendhal did, there is a model of gain and loss to represent the concept of signs. Adding a positive number would be gain, or profit, and adding a negative number (subtracting positive number) is loss. When gain becomes less than zero, it is interpreted as debt. We human beings, by our very nature, tend to apply the same thinking mechanism that was once successful again and again even in different circumstances, so it is natural for us to try to understand the multiplication and division under the same logic.

Then why is it inappropriate when operating on multiplication?

Do not multiply debt by debt

We realize that explaining multiplication of positive numbers by using the model does not make sense even before we get to negative numbers. Does multiplying gain by gain produce gain? When we have 10 of 100 dollar (bills), it means we have 1,000 dollars. (10 x 100 = 1,000.) It sounds perfectly reasonable according to the example. However, units are different; 100 is in dollars while 10 is a number of bills. We could interpret each 100 dollars as gain, but 10 is in a different unit of gain. It may be a contextually valid statement, but in mathematical sense, it is flawed because the unit of 10 simply disappears in the result.

The statement that gain times gain is gain may be invalid, but the model itself has no problem explaining that a plus times a plus equals a plus if we ignore the measurement issue and only consider the contextual interpretation. In addition, it can also explain a minus times a plus equals a minus. For example, when there are 10 people who owe you 100 dollars, you know they owe you 1,000 dollars as a whole. -100 x 10 = -1,000

But the model’s biggest drawback is that it cannot explain a minus times a minus even in a contextual sense because there is no measurement to quantify a negative number of, well, people, and things.

Then, how can we understand that a minus times a minus equals a plus?

1. Finding a pattern

Screen shot 2014-11-12 at 7.02.35 PM

The rows tell us that each product changes by the same amount when the number on the right gets smaller. The columns also show the same pattern: the first column decreases by 2, the second by 1, the third by 0, the fourth column increases by 1, and the fifth by 2. Accordingly, the next row would be,

Screen shot 2014-11-12 at 7.02.42 PM

From this, we learn that a minus times a minus produces a plus.   

2. A horizontal line

One of the basic approach to negative number is giving the number a direction. It is to associate positive and negative number with positive direction and negative direction, so they move in the opposite way on a horizontal line. 3 and -3 are apart from the origin by the same distance, but their opposite directions make them different numbers. In fact, people finally stopped resisting the concept of signs when the horizontal line model was introduced. For example, multiplying 2 by 3 is adding three 2’s, so it is like moving by the amount of 2 three times from zero to the right on the line, which equals to 6. In a similar sense, multiplying 2 by -3 is moving by 2 from zero to the left (opposite direction of 2) three times.

Screen shot 2014-11-12 at 7.19.52 PM

It is the same as thinking of moving by -2 three times (the direction of -2), which tells that 2 x (-3) = (-2) x 3.

Screen shot 2014-11-12 at 7.18.44 PM

Finally (-2) x (-3) is moving by -2, yet in the opposite direction of (-2) three times, which basically cancels out and happens to move to the right. It leads to our desirable conclusion (-2) x (-3) = 6.

3. Gain and loss model revisited

We can explain multiplication of negative numbers by expanding the rules of the model. We include negative number operations beside the positive ones. Adding a negative number means decreasing gain, or increasing loss, or debt. Subtracting a negative number means decreasing loss, or debt, in other words, increasing gain. So for example, when a is a positive number, subtracting (-a) means that debt is decreased by the amount of a, so gain is increased by a. In short, -(-a) equals a, and from the model, we can logically justify that (-a) x b = -(a x b) = a x (-b) when a and b are positive. Then let’s say b is a negative number. We can express b equals -c for some positive number c. By substitution, (-a) x (-c) = a x (-(-c)) = a x c.

Thus, a negative number times a negative number is a positive number.

4. Mathematical proof

I explained that a minus times a minus equals a plus, but technically it wasn’t a proof. To prove (-a) x (-b) = ab, I will use the associative law of addition, the distributive law of addition and multiplication, and the fact that zero is the identity element under addition. We know 0 = 1+ (-1). Multiply both sides by -1, and apply the distributive law.

0 = (1+ (-1)) x (-1)

   = 1 x (-1) + (-1) x (-1)

Since 1 x (-1) = -1, the equation above become 0 = -1 + (-1) x (-1). Add 1 to both sides, and we get 1= (-1) x (-1).

The formal proof will follow this format. But before I do that, I will show 0 x b =0.

0 = 0 x b – (0 x b)

   = ((0+0) x b) – (0 x b)

   = (0 x b + 0 x b) – (0 x b) = 0 x b

Without the loss of generality, a x 0 = 0 is true.

Now I want to show (-a) x (-b) = ab

(-a) x (-b) – a x b = (-a) x (-b) + a x (-b) – a x (-b) – a x b

                              = ((-a) + a) x (-b) – (a x (-b) + a x b)

                              = 0 x (-b) – (a x (-b + b))

                              = 0 – a x 0 = 0 – 0 = 0


Stendhal, The Life of Henry Brulard, trans. John Sturrock (New York: NYRB, 2002), 364-66.

Calinger, Ronald. Vita Mathematica: Historical Research and Integration with Teaching (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 36.

Imaginary Numbers: From Outcast to Respectability

Image: Matheepan Panchalingam, via Flickr.

Image: Matheepan Panchalingam, via Flickr.

Imaginary numbers, which are also known as complex numbers, have had a pretty bad reputation. When most people think of imaginary numbers, they probably break out in a cold sweat from the horrific memories of high school math class. They think that imaginary numbers are utterly incomprehensible and useless in the “real” world. “Imaginary numbers” sound very intimidating to people who are not familiar with them. They also sound highly theoretical with little or no use outside of pure mathematics. In fact, the exact opposite is true.

The most common imaginary number is i, which is formally defined as i = √-1. Since the act of squaring any real number always makes the number positive– whether it began as a negative number or not, it is impossible to find the square root of a negative number without using i. Thus, i made possible an entire class of math problems that were not possible before. For example, √-64 = 8i, cannot be done without using i, because √-64 does not exist in the real number line. Additionally, i can be easily changed from an “imaginary” number into a “real” number simply by squaring it: i² = -1.

The first known person to stumble upon the idea of using an imaginary number to take the square root of a negative number was the Greek mathematician Heron of Alexandria in 50 CE. He was trying to find the volume of a section of a pyramid using a formula that involved the slant height of the pyramid. However, certain values for the slant height would produce the square root of a negative number. Heron was very uncomfortable with this result, so in order to avoid using a negative number, he fudged his calculation by dropping the negative sign.

Girolamo Cardano was an Italian mathematician who was particularly interested in finding the solutions to cubic and quartic equations. In 1545, he published a book titled Ars Magna, which contained the solutions to cubic and quartic equations. One of the equations in his book gave the solution of 5 ± √-15. Commenting on this equation, Cardano wrote, “Dismissing mental tortures, and multiplying 5 + √ – 15 by 5 – √-15, we obtain 25 – (-15). Therefore the product is 40. …. and thus far does arithmetical subtlety go, of which this, the extreme, is, as I have said, so subtle that it is useless.”

Perhaps the first champion of imaginary numbers was Italian mathematician, Rafael Bombelli (1526-1572). Bombelli understood thattimes should equal -1, and that -i times should equal one. However, Bombelli could not find a practical use for this property, so he generally was not believed. Bombelli did have what people called a “wild idea” – that imaginary numbers could be used to get real answers.

Imaginary numbers continued to live in disgrace until the work of a series of mathematicians in the 18th and 19th centuries. Leonhard Euler helped clear up some of the problems with using imaginary numbers by developing the notation i to mean √-1. He also introduced the notation a+bi for complex numbers. Carl Friedrich Gauss  made imaginary numbers much more concrete and less “imaginary” when he graphed imaginary numbers as points on the complex plane in 1799. However, William Rowan Hamilton in 1833, delivered the coup de grace to imaginary numbers’ bad name when he advanced the idea that complex numbers could be expressed as a pair of real numbers. For example 4+3i could be written simply as (4,3). This made complex numbers much easier to understand and use.

Today, imaginary numbers are an essential part of the everyday calculations that make modern technology work. They are indispensable in the field of electrical engineering, particularly in the analysis of alternating current, like the electrical current that powers household appliances. Also, cell phones and air travel would not be possible without imaginary numbers because they are necessary in the computations involved in signal processing and radar. Imaginary numbers are even used by biologists when studying the firing events of neurons in the brain. Imaginary numbers have come a long way in the five hundred years since they were scoffed at for being absurd and totally useless.


My infinity is bigger than your infinity

When I was a child, I purposely found something to think about to help me fall asleep. Usually I picked cartoons or super powers, but sometimes things just came into my head, like it or not. What was the worst? Thinking about heaven. At first, heaven seems all right. There is a lot to do, gold everywhere (though no purpose for it), people are nice (it’s a prerequisite), you get to see most of your family, and there is plenty to eat (though no one is ever hungry). Anyway, I start thinking about FOREVER.

pic1cropAt first, it is just a sensation; a weird sensation like tingling and falling and nothingness. It is not a sensation that I can make sense of really because forever doesn’t really make sense, at least not to a 10 year old. I try to get away from forever but forever is a huge part of the definition of heaven. Then, the opening credits of the Twilight Zone, with the music, and starry sky, usually appear. Fade to myself standing, looking at heaven, in the dressing room mirrors of infinity. You know, when dressing rooms have those three mirrors that are angled just perfectly so the images are smaller and smaller replicas of one another, on and on, into infinity. This picture, and thoughts of the foreverness of heaven, kept me up at night as a child.

I am glad to say that forever no longer keeps me up at night. While I still find no comfort in the foreverness of heaven, the lack of a middle ground between forever and my time on earth is what usually keeps me up at night now. However; I still can’t stand it when mirrors are angled that way. It creeps me out, and I can’t help but wonder if there is an end, or if I can find a flaw from one image to the next. In my opinion, we are not meant to look into infinity like that, squarely.

When beginning to pursue mathematics, I thought math might clarify, or in some way define, forever (or as adults call it, infinity). On the contrary, Math has actually made it stranger. Theories in math have shown numerous types of infinity, and infinities within infinities, and sizes of infinities, and calculations of infinity. None of this brings me any comfort, except to say that we obviously don’t have this figured out yet because that is just not possible. Infinity is infinity, and it is very large, incalculable and non-denumerable, and there is only one kind; it is called forever. Heaven can only exist in one, all-encompassing infinity.


When reading A History of Mathematics, I read about Zeno’s paradox. That led to an internet search, and then to Numberphile. I watched the video, accepted the idea, and left it alone. The solution seemed reasonable enough. Later in the semester, I was required to do a research project. By some unknown scheme, we picked Georg Cantor, whom I had never heard of. If you haven’t either, he is the creator of set theory but also perhaps the mathematical or scientific father of infinity. You just can’t shake things off in life. They follow you.

My research for that project led me to question the mathematical view of infinity. Let me start by saying, I know very little of Math’s view of infinity. It seems to be an infinite topic. This is where I am in my understanding – so please comment, post, reply, educate me, and critique my understanding. Calculus one is a prerequisite for the course, and being a rule follower, I have that. So, I had experience computing limits to infinity. That is relatively easy. BUT, those are just numbers. They aren’t real things. Numbers aren’t real. So, of course I could compute the infinity of something that isn’t really real. What numbers represent is real; like Zeno’s paradox. Zeno’s paradox applies numbers to something real – something actually happening in the world (theoretically). In other words, when I take the limit of a sequence that goes to infinity, it has no relation to time or space. It is just numbers. But, if I were taking the limit of Zeno’s paradox to see how far Zeno actually travels, or to find the time it takes to travel, or to see if he can ever catch the turtle, I would have to do so in relation to time and space. When I do that, the exact opposite answer occurs. Zeno will never catch the turtle. That mathematics isn’t computing real infinity or perhaps all of infinity is perhaps echoed by the Numberphile narrator when he asks, “What I want to ask a physicist is, can you divide space and time infinitely many times?” Similarly, Kelly MacCarthur wonders in the Calculus 2 video used for online math courses, “Can I take infinitely many steps?”

However, if all of space and time existed at one instant, forever, then Math has it right. It could calculate the infinite because it occurs all at once. There is no sequence, event after event – in essence, no time or space really because it is all at once, everywhere. Yes, there are scientific theories, philosophies, and religions which believe this is the case. Of course, this idea is contrary to most people’s understanding of infinity. Whenever math instructors talk about infinity, they always say, “Infinity is only a concept. It is not a number.” Yes, it is only a concept but is it also something real? If it is only a concept then why are we computing something real that is a concept? Why would we bother to compute a concept? It seems like Math is walking a funny line here.

Math has worked something out though. I’m just not sure what it is. Math is summing an infinite process (as if infinity happened to end). Obviously, Math’s understanding of infinity has proven useful in mathematical calculations and many practical applications. To paraphrase others before Cantor, “It works. So, no need to define it. It works.” So, Math has worked something out about infinity but what has Math worked out, and is it really infinity?

pic3cropMathematicians always like to joke about engineers rounding numbers to 3 or 4 places because it doesn’t really matter to engineering after that, but is mathematics rounding off infinity or at least only capturing some aspect of infinity? After all, how can there be different types of infinity? My preferred illustration for the existence of multiple infinities is from Galileo. Galileo used a thoughtful but intuitive approach to understand infinity. He drew a circle. Then, he drew an infinite number of rays from the center of the circle. These rays filled up the space inside the circle. But then, he drew a larger circle around the smaller one and extended those rays to the larger circle. Though he drew as many rays as possible (an infinite number perhaps), the infinite number of rays did not fill up the larger circle; there were spaces between the rays. This led him to believe that first infinity was not large enough for the second circle; not even close. He would need another size of infinity to fill up the larger circle. [BAM! PHH! Did your mind just explode?] It is important to note that intuitively, his illustration makes sense. However, with today’s current understanding of infinity and better ability to calculate infinity, we now know that the infinity in the smaller circle leaves no space between the rays when extending to a larger circle. But, I liked his intuitive approach. Though intuition seems to be severely lacking when it comes to infinity.


Dangerous Knowledge:
Georg Cantor His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite by Joseph Warren Dauben
TML: The Infinities In Between (1 of 2):
TML: The Infinities In Between (2 of 2):
Infinite Series:
Zeno’s Paradox – Numberphile:

My new bumper sticker.


Invented or Discovered?

A philosophical question about math that has been asked since the times of the ancient Greeks (and possibly even before then) is whether mathematics is discovered or is it invented by man. People seem to think it has to be one or the other, but what if it is actually both?

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. Image: Christoph Bernhard Francke, via Wikimedia Commons.

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. Image: Christoph Bernhard Francke, via Wikimedia Commons.

Math is just a language, and like any other language that uses words to describe something (strings of symbols), math also uses symbols. Written language was developed both independently and simultaneously in ancient times. One person got an idea to use a written symbol to represent a tangible object. Sometimes multiple people got this same idea independently of each other, and other times a person would see this writing, it would spark the idea in their heads, and they would go on to develop their own written language. The same language was not developed by different people, rather each person used different symbols to represent different words. (Guns, Germs and Steel- Jared Diamond Chapter 12) The same can be said for math. Calculus was developed simultaneously, but independently by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. Both developed different ways of doing calculus and each way gave the same results. Other times mathematicians have relied on the work of others to further their results.

Isaac Newton. Image: Sir Godfrey Kneller, via Wikimedia Commons.

Isaac Newton. Image: Sir Godfrey Kneller, via Wikimedia Commons.

The fact that math has been developed independently and yet yielded the same results shows that math is discovered. Math is the language used to describe the natural world and as long as the world exists someone can, at any time, develop a language to describe it. It may not be the same math that we use today (the Babylonians used an arithmetic system very different from our modern one), but it would still yield the same results. Given enough time, one would think, they would eventually be able to build the same skyscrapers and the same rocket ships that we have.

On the other hand, math was invented. We invent the symbols and decide what they represent; we invent the axioms and the particular system that we use. Newton invented infinitesimals in the use of calculus while Leibniz invented his own notation for calculus. The ancient Egyptians invented a different way to calculate the area of a circle than the one we use today. (A History of Mathematics- Uta c. Merzbach and Carl B. Boyer) Math does not exist without someone to invent the symbols we use to describe it.

Many people ask, and for good reason, if this question is even important, and it just may be. What if the concept of zero or negative numbers were never invented? Without these simple concepts would we still be able to build the same skyscrapers and rocket ships? It is possible that someone could have invented a concept similar to these but using different concepts? It is even possible that someone may have invented a way around them so we could avoid them altogether and this new invention could have even lead to a much simplified math system.

The Millennium Prize Problems

Although the Millennium Prize Problems carry a total of 7 million dollars in prize money, very few people know about them. In my opinion, this should be propagated more instead of the latest viral videos on YouTube, or the latest celebrity gossip. This was exactly the thinking of Landon Clay, who founded the Clay Mathematics Institute in 1998. Clay, a Harvard alumnus and successful businessman, is a firm believer and supporter of math and science as beneficial to all mankind, and he has set up this institute as well as the prize money.

I will give a very brief summary of each problem except the Poincaré Conjecture, which has been solved by Grigori Perelman. Keep in mind that these descriptions are not exhaustive as the areas of study of these fields are highly specialized. It cannot be possible to explain in a paragraph what mathematicians have been studying for decades or even centuries, so these descriptions will be very loose.

P vs NP

This is a problem in theoretical computer science. It involves two characters, P and NP. P represents problems that are easily solved by a computer. NP represents problems that are not necessarily easily solved by a computer but whose solutions can easily be checked if they are provided. By default, every P problems is an NP problem because if the computer can solve it, then it can check it. However, there are many examples of NP problems that aren’t known to be P (problems for which a computer can easily check a solution but for which we don’t yet know a fast algorithm for a computer to solve). Currently, many people believe that the evidence points to P not being equal to NP. Solving P vs NP would allow us to solve problems involving trillions of combinations without trying each one, and would greatly propel computing.

Hodge Conjecture

When Descartes married algebra and geometry by drawing a graph represented by a function, this revolutionized mathematics and it was never the same again. This enabled us to visualize and solve problems both geometrically or algebraically. The Hodge Conjecture implies a similar relationship exists between topology and algebra. Mathematicians soon found ways to describe more complicated shapes that were hard to imagine and only accessible via complicated equations. These shapes are known as “manifolds”. Depending on their properties, these manifolds have different “homology classes”. One example of manifolds with different homology classes is the sphere and the torus (AKA donut). In the case of the sphere, there is only one homology class: all shapes that are drawn on a sphere are homologically equivalent. In the case of a donut, there are multiple distinct homology classes. The Hodge Conjecture basically says that if you drew a random shape on a manifold, there is a rule you can apply to guarantee it can be described algebraically. Easy to describe in words but tricky to describe mathematically.

Riemann Hypothesis

A graph of the Zeta function. Image: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

A graph of the Zeta function. Image: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

The Riemann Hypothesis has profound implications in number theory and tries to tackle perhaps the longest standing question in mathematics: Where are all the prime numbers, and how are they distributed? The hypothesis involves the “trivial” and “non-trivial” zeroes of the complex Zeta Function. A complex function is a function that takes in complex numbers of the form a + bi, and spits out a complex number. Trivial zeroes of the Zeta function occur at negative, even integers (-2,-4,-6,…). The conjecture is that all other zeroes (“non-trivial) have the form ½+bi. Although these zeroes have been computed to the trillion digits and held true, this does not constitute a proof and a general proof is being sought. The distribution of prime numbers is seemingly random and sporadic with no telling when or where the next one will pop up in the number line. This also leads to a deeper philosophical question. How can something as structured and ordered like mathematics have something as chaotic and random as prime numbers as one of its foundations?

Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture

Examples of elliptic curves. Image: Chas zzz brown, via Wikimedia Commons.

Examples of elliptic curves. Image: Chas zzz brown, via Wikimedia Commons.

A Diophantine equation is a polynomial equation for which mathematicians are searching for integer or rational solutions. The study these equations, is known as arithmetic geometry. A well-known example of a Diophantine equation is the Pythagorean theorem. These equations are named in honor of the Greek mathematician, Diophantus, who studied these types of equations. An elliptic curve is a graphic representation of a Diophantine Equation of the form y2 = x3 + ax + b. This conjecture states that for an elliptic curve, E, the algebraic rank and geometric rank are the same. In other words, you can find the algebraic rank by finding the geometric rank and vice versa. The rank is essentially the number of rational solutions with a 0 rank meaning a finite number of solutions, and a rank greater than or equal to 1 having infinite solutions.

Navier-Stokes Equations

Image: UserA1, via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: UserA1, via Wikimedia Commons.

The Navier-Stokes equations of fluid flow are partial differential equations that physicists use to model ocean currents, weather patterns, and other phenomena. These equations, named after Claude-Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes, have been stumping mathematicians for about 150 years. The problem lies in that these equations are so complex, that one cannot tell whether these equations will suddenly have a spike or blow up as time goes on. It’s similar to the story of the cat in Dr. Seuss’s “The Cat in the Hat Comes Back”, where the cat makes a stain he cannot clean up. He calls on the help of a smaller version of himself called Little Cat A, who then calls on an even smaller cat called Little Cat B and so on until the microscopic Little Cat Z unleashes a VOOM on the stain and it disappears. The Navier-Stokes problem is asking whether we can predict where the VOOMs are. Fluids can be both viscous liquids and gases and solving these equations will impact areas such as meteorology and fluid dynamics.

Yang-Mills Theory

This theory is the basis of elementary particle theory, but relies on a very weird concept, the concept of infinitely small numbers to describe the weight of these “massless” particles. This is a contradiction since these particles travel at the speed of light and anything travelling that fast must have infinite mass. New foundations and approaches to physics is required to solve this theory. Solving the mass-gap problem would mean the existence of a rigorous Quantum Field Theory. The techniques used could also be applied to other results in Quantum Field Theory.


P vs NP

Hodge Conjecture

Riemann Hypothesis


Navier Stokes

Yang Mills